Tutorial 4 - Configure Devices - Using Multihop

Often it is not possible to connect directly to each device - you will have a Management station, from where access to the network is granted.
To use wktools in such an environment, the MultiHop option was added. Here you can have multiple entry points to the network.
It is important to know, that the tool never sends "exit" or "logout" to any device, so you are responsible to logout again from a configured device. Because of this precondition it is recommended that a different config file is used for the Management station. This config file can be empty.

Download the used files here.

At a minimum the following files are needed:

The configuration in the "Settings" Tab is as follows:

This information is now used at the DeviceGroup Tab to generate the settings for  the hosts:

After pressing the START button the devices are now configured. The output looks like the following one. Please note that the first host is now used as entry point to the network and to connect to the second one.

---- OUTPUT ----

Tue Nov 21 10:19:29 2006: Configuring ...

User Access Verification

Username: labuser

Tue Nov 21 10:19:35 2006: Configuring ...
Trying ... Open

User Access Verification

Username: labuser

console2#show run
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 2291 bytes
version 12.2
service tcp-keepalives-in
service tcp-keepalives-out
line vty 3 4
access-class 101 in
exec-timeout 0 0
password 7 1511
authorization commands 15 lab
authorization exec lab
logging synchronous
login authentication lab
transport preferred telnet
end console2#

Tue Nov 21 10:19:42 2006:
--- END ---

IP Addresses with MAJOR ERRORS:

IP Addresses with WARNINGS:

IP Addresses without any errors:

---- OUTPUT END ----