wktools Version 4 Log Documentation
0201: System Message: ERROR Message: Error on loading wktools.xml! Solution: Check, if wktools.xml is available. If it is available, it's most likely corrupted
0202: System Message: ERROR Message: GENERAL: Unable to open file! Solution: Unable to open selected file. Check, if file is available.
0203: System Message: ERROR Message: GENERAL: Unable to save file! Solution: Check, if file is available.
0204: System Message: ERROR Message: Error on loading alternate wktools.xml! Using default instead. Solution: Check, if alternate wktools.xml path is valid. If it is valid, the file is most likely corrupted.
0205: System Message: ERROR Message: Unable to connect to the SQL database! Solution: Check SQL Settings.
0301: System Message: WARNING Message: Error on loading Settings for "TOOL". Please check wktools.xml! Solution: Check wktools.xml, if the specified Profile is available
0302: System Message: WARNING Message: Unknown Tool Solution: specify the correct tool -> cfg (Configure Devices), cfgm (ConfigMaker), ipl (IP List), dip (Device Information Parser)
0303: System Message: WARNING Message: SQL Error: No wktools Error Code specified! Solution: Internal wktools error; Please contact wktools@spoerr.org
0304: System Message: WARNING Message: SQL Error: Database Connection Error! Solution: Please check SQL Settings.
0305: System Message: WARNING Message: SQL Error: MySQL Error Code: XXXX Solution: Please see MySQL documentation for more information.
0601: System Message: INFO Message: Version Check: Newer Version available: [Version] Solution: None; Only for your information
0602: System Message: INFO Message: Version Check: Latest Version in use Solution: None; Only for your information
0603: System Message: INFO Message: Version Check Error! - Visit www.spoerr.org/wktools for newer versions Solution: None; Only for your information
0604: System Message: INFO Message: Alternate wktools.xml loaded: [PATH] Solution: None; Only for your information
1101: ConfigMaker: SYSTEM ERROR Message: Init Error -> could not read settings Solution: Check, if wktools.xml is available. If it is available, it's most likely corrupted
1201: ConfigMaker: ERROR Message: DATA FILE inconsistent! -> INFORMATION Solution: Please see documentation section 3.1 for more information on format guidelines.
1301: ConfigMaker: WARNING Message: ConfigMaker: Unable to load Profile PROFILENAME Solution: Check wktools.xml, if the specified Profile is available
1302: ConfigMaker: WARNING Message: ConfigMaker: Unable to save Profile PROFILENAME Solution: Check, if wktools.xml is available and not write protected
1303: ConfigMaker: WARNING Message: Wrong or missing entry for SETTING Solution: SETTING invalid. Check, if SETTING exists, or if SETTING file is available.
1304: ConfigMaker: WARNING Message: CYCLE COUNT must not be 0 Solution: Specify at least "1" as cycle count
1305: ConfigMaker: WARNING Message: Filename Variable not found in Variables! Solution: Check the filename variable, because it is not fiund in the variables.
1306: ConfigMaker: WARNING Message: ConfigMaker: Unable to remove Profile PROFILENAME Solution: Check, if wktools.xml is available and not write protected
1401: ConfigMaker: NOTICE Message: Duplication stopped with errors Solution: Result of error message 1305
1402: ConfigMaker: NOTICE Message: Cannot Start because of wrong or missing entries Solution: Fill in all required settings
1501: ConfigMaker: INFO Message: ConfigMaker: Line breaks within cells not supported under Linux Solution: USe Windows ;) -> since linebreaks within cells are specified with "\r" in csv files, they cannot be detected in Linux, becasue Linux uses "\r" for all line breaks. In Windows, the default line break character is "\r\n".
1601: ConfigMaker: INFO Message: ConfigMaker START Solution: None; Only for your information.
1602: ConfigMaker: INFO Message: Starting Duplication Solution: None; Only for your information.
1603: ConfigMaker: INFO Message: Duplication finished Solution: None; Only for your information.
1604: ConfigMaker: INFO Message: ConfigMaker: Loading Profile Solution: None; Only for your information.
1605: ConfigMaker: INFO Message: ConfigMaker: Profile PROFILENAME successfully loaded Solution: None; Only for your information.
1606: ConfigMaker: INFO Message: ConfigMaker: Saving Profile Solution: None; Only for your information.
1607: ConfigMaker: INFO Message: ConfigMaker: Profile PROFILENAME successfully saved Solution: None; Only for your information.
1608: ConfigMaker: INFO Message: ConfigMaker killed Solution: None; Only for your information.
1609: ConfigMaker: INFO Message: ConfigMaker END Solution: None; Only for your information.
1610: ConfigMaker: INFO Message: Starting Duplication. Solution: None; Only for your information.
1611: ConfigMaker: INFO Message: ConfigMaker cancelled! Solution: None; Only for your information.
1612: ConfigMaker: INFO Message: --- FINISHED --- Solution: None; Only for your information.
1613: ConfigMaker: INFO Message: ConfigMaker: Profile PROFILENAME successfully removed Solution: None; Only for your information.
1614: ConfigMaker: INFO Message: ConfigMaker: Removing Profile Solution: None; Only for your information.
1701: ConfigMaker: DEBUG Message: Found Variables: Solution: None; Only for your information. More Information: Following this message, a list of all foud variables is displayed.
1702: ConfigMaker: DEBUG Message: Reading data lines. Solution: None; Only for your information.
1703: ConfigMaker: DEBUG Message: New instance with the following data: DATA Solution: None; Only for your information. More Information: All data for this instance is listed. If no more data is found, the message "No more data found!" is displayed.
2101: Configure Devices: SYSTEM ERROR Message: Unknown error! Solution: Contact wktools@spoerr.org
2102: Configure Devices: SYSTEM ERROR Message: Could not connect to serial interface! Solution: Check, if the correct serial port was specified and no other application blocks it.
2103: Configure Devices: SYSTEM Message: Init Error -> could not read settings Solution: Check, if wktools.xml is available. If it is available, it's most likely corrupted
2201: Configure Devices: ERROR Message: Show I/O Error! Solution: Make sure that specified show output file is not write protected
2202: Configure Devices: ERROR Message: Could not connect to IP ADDRESS Solution: Connection to IP ADDRESS failed; Make sure if IP ADDRESS is online and the tool has access to it -> Check firewall and ACL config.
2203: Configure Devices: ERROR Message: Connection error with IP ADDRESS: Unable to read data from socket Solution: Unable to read all data from socket. Reconnect to remote host. If error occurs again, please contact wktools@spoerr.org.
2204: Configure Devices: ERROR Message: Connection error with IP ADDRESS Solution: Connection to IP ADDRESS failed; Make sure if IP ADDRESS is online and the tool has access to it -> Check firewall and ACL config.
2205: Configure Devices: ERROR Message: No connection with IP ADDRESS Solution: Connection to IP ADDRESS was closed before all data was sent. Retry the connection.
2206: Configure Devices: ERROR Message: Error while writing to the serial interface! Solution: Write error to serial interface. Retry the connection.
2207: Configure Devices: ERROR Message: Unable to read data from serial port! Solution: Read error from serial interface. Retry the connection.
2208: Configure Devices: ERROR Message: Connection error with IP ADDRESS: Problems with reading data from socket"; Solution: Read error from http socket. Retry the connection.
2209: Configure Devices: ERROR Message: DEVICE GROUP FILE inconsistent! -> INFORMATION Solution: Let wktools generate your DeviceGroup file and do not edit it or see documentation section 5.1 for more information on format guidelines.
2210: Configure Devices: ERROR Message: HOSTLIST inconsistent -> INFORMATION Solution: Please see documentation section 5.2 for more information on format guidelines.
2211: Configure Devices: ERROR Message: SSH error <location><error code><ssh Version> Solution: An SSH initialization error occurred. Please send the message to wktools@spoerr.org to get more detailed information.
2212: Configure Devices: ERROR Message: Timeout - no data received within the last 30 seconds from ip-address Solution: Timeout for specified connection. If you feel there was something wrong, please send details about the connection to wktools@spoerr.org.
2213: Configure Devices: ERROR Message: IP x.x.x.x / Aborting; User defined error: errormessage Solution: The message was posted because of the !ERROR tag in the config.
2214: Configure Devices: ERROR Message: IP x.x.x.x / Aborting; User defined error: errormessage Solution: The message was posted because of the !ERROR tag in the config.
2215: Configure Devices: ERROR Message: Multihop Error - No connection with IP ADDRESS Solution: The core connection for Multihop was closed. Check the config for the Multihop entry device if there is an exit at the end
2216: Configure Devices: ERROR Message: Connection error with IP ADDRESS: Internal wktools error leaded to "terminal lenght 0" loop. Solution: Please try the connection again. If error occurs multiple times and is replicable, please contact wktools@spoerr.org.
2301: Configure Devices: WARNING Message: Error Message from Remote Device Solution: Sent command not available at remote device. Please check config file.
2302: Configure Devices: WARNING Message: Unknown Show Output Option - Please check your settings! Solution: Show Output setting invalid. Please check your wktools.xml file.
2303: Configure Devices: WARNING Message: ERROR MESSAGE => Next IP Address! Solution: An error occurred before all data was sent. Retry the connection.
2304: Configure Devices: WARNING Message: Could not send all data Solution: An error occurred while writing data to socket or serial interface. Retry the connection.
2305: Configure Devices: WARNING Message: Invalid response! Solution: Invalid HTTP response; Remote end is not http conform, or received data is corrupted. Check the remote host or retry the connection.
2306: Configure Devices: WARNING Message: Response returned with status code STATUS CODE Solution: HTTP status code != 200; Retry the connection; Check firewall and ACL config if the tool has access to the remote host.
2307: Configure Devices: WARNING Message: No Config File found! Solution: Check the config file folder, if a file is available for all hosts; Check the config filename
2308: Configure Devices: WARNING Message: IP ADDRESS: Unknown Protocol! Solution: Unknown protocol used. Check the DeviceGroup table. Only Telnet, COM1, COMx, SSHv1, SSHv2, HTTP, HTTPS are supported values in the Protocol column.
2309: Configure Devices: WARNING Message: IP ADDRESS: Use the same protocol for all Multihop devices! Solution: The same protocol must be specified in the DeviceGroup Protocol column for all hosts when MultiHop is used.
2310: Configure Devices: WARNING Message: Configure Devices: Unable to load Profile PROFILENAME Solution: Check, if the specified profile is available in wktools.xml
2311: Configure Devices: WARNING Message: Configure Devices: Unable to save Profile PROFILENAME Solution: Check, if wktools.xml is available and not write protected
2312: Configure Devices: WARNING Message: Wrong or missing entry for SETTING! Solution: SETTING invalid. Check, if SETTING exists, or if SETTING file is available.
2313: Configure Devices: WARNING Message: Wrong or missing entry for SETTING Solution: SETTING invalid. Check, if DeviceGroup file exists.
2314: Configure Devices: WARNING Message: No Command found for !IFRETURN or !ELSERETURN" Solution: !IFRETURN or !ELSERETURN is the last command in the config file. !IFRETURN and !ELSERETURN expect a command to send, but the config file ends right after the code tag.
2315: Configure Devices: WARNING Message: ConfigFile Error: !ELSERETURN found without !IFRETURN Solution: Check the ConfigFile, because i contains a !ELSERETURN statement without preceding !IFRETURN
2316: Configure Devices: WARNING Message: 2316: Regex Error: error message Solution: Check your regular expression
2317: Configure Devices: WARNING Message: IP x.x.x.x; User defined warning: MESSAGE Solution: The message was posted because of the !WARNING tag in the config.
2318: Configure Devices: WARNING Message: Configure Devices: Unable to remove Profile PROFILENAME Solution: Show Output setting invalid. Please check your wktools.xml file.
2319: Configure Devices: WARNING Message: Regex Index Error - the specified Index is not a number! Solution: Only numbers are allowed as index - please check your index settings.
2320: Configure Devices: WARNING Message: Regex Index Error: Index out of scope! Solution: The specified index was not found - please check your index settings.
2321: Configure Devices: WARNING Message: ConfigFile Error: !device TAG wrong format! Solution: !device Tag needs the following format: !devicehostname|ip PREFIX and POSTFIX are optional
2322: Configure Devices: WARNING Message: Connection error with IP ADDRESS: Authentication Failed. Solution: Use correct User/Password settings
2401: Configure Devices: NOTICE Message: Click "DeviceGroup Window Refresh" before Starting! Solution: Click the "DeviceGroup Window Refresh" button to fill the DeviceGroup table
2402: Configure Devices: NOTICE Message: Cannot Start because of wrong or missing entries Solution: Fill in all required settings
2403: Configure Devices: NOTICE Message: Socket Error with IP ADDRESS Solution: Result of error message 2202 or 2204
2404: Configure Devices: NOTICE Message: Connection Error with IP ADDRESS Solution: Result of error message 2203, 2207, 2208, 2304, 2305 or 2306
2405: Configure Devices: NOTICE Message: No connection with IP ADDRESS Solution: Result of error message 2205
2406: Configure Devices: ERROR Message: Connection error with IP ADDRESS Solution: SSHv2 Connection to IP ADDRESS failed; Fallback to SSHv1
2411: Configure Devices: ERROR Message: SSH error <location><error code><ssh Version> Solution: An SSH initialization error occurred. Please see the error details for more information.
2501: Configure Devices: INFO Message: PARAGRAPH too large - Please contact wktools@spoerr.org Solution: The PARAGRAPH section in the config file is too large. Please contact wktools@spoerr.org and specify your need for the large PARAGRAPH section.
2601: Configure Devices: INFO Message: Configure Devices START Solution: None; Only for your information.
2602: Configure Devices: INFO Message: Starting Configure Devices Solution: None; Only for your information.
2603: Configure Devices: INFO Message: Configuring IP ADDRESS Solution: None; Only for your information.
2604: Configure Devices: INFO Message: Configure Devices: Loading Profile Solution: None; Only for your information.
2605: Configure Devices: INFO Message: Configure Devices: Profile PROFILENAME successfully loaded Solution: None; Only for your information.
2606: Configure Devices: INFO Message: Configure Devices: Saving Profile Solution: None; Only for your information.
2607: Configure Devices: INFO Message: Configure Devices: Profile PROFILENAME successfully saved Solution: None; Only for your information.
2608: Configure Devices: INFO Message: Configure Devices canceled! Solution: None; Only for your information.
2609: Configure Devices: INFO Message: Configuring devices ended with errors! Solution: None; Only for your information. More Information: A list with the status of all hosts is following this message
2610: Configure Devices: INFO Message: Configuring devices ended without any errors Solution: None; Only for your information. More Information: A list with the status of all hosts is following this message
2611: Configure Devices: INFO Message: Configure Devices END Solution: None; Only for your information.
2612: Configure Devices: INFO Message: Next IP Solution: None; Only for your information.
2613: Configure Devices: INFO Message: Device Group File written Solution: None; Only for your information.
2614: Configure Devices: INFO Message: Configure Devices: Profile PROFILENAME successfully removed Solution: None; Only for your information.
2615: Configure Devices: INFO Message: IP List: Removing Profile Solution: None; Only for your information.
2701: Configure Devices: DEBUG Message: <DEBUG Function Call: INFORMATION> Solution: Disable Debug Output "Function Call" More Information: Debug Information about internal function calls; For troubleshooting wktools issues
2702: Configure Devices: DEBUG Message: <INFORMATION> Solution: Disable Debug Output "Buf Test Return Value" More Information: Debug Information about internal testing; For troubleshooting wktools issues
2703: Configure Devices: DEBUG Message: <INFORMATION><bufStat value><STATUS vlaue><penultimate char><antepenultimate char> Solution: Disable Debug Output "Buf Test Detail" More Information: Debug Information about internal testing; For troubleshooting wktools issues
2704: Configure Devices: DEBUG Message: <DEBUG loginTest: Using nichtsString> Solution: Disable Debug Output "Buf Test Return Value" More Information: Variable "nichtsString" is used. For troubleshooting wktools issues
2705: Configure Devices: DEBUG Message: <DEBUG Show Output: Verbinder - showAusgabe mit buf fuellen><BEGIN> Solution: Disable Debug Output "Show" More Information: Starting to write show output. For troubleshooting wktools issues
2706: Configure Devices: DEBUG Message: <DEBUG Show Output: Verbinder - showAusgabe mit buf fuellen><END> Solution: Disable Debug Output "Show" More Information: Write show output end. For troubleshooting wktools issues
2707: Configure Devices: DEBUG Message: <DEBUG Show Output: Verbinder - Show Ausgabe schließen> Solution: Disable Debug Output "Show" More Information: Show output file closed. For troubleshooting wktools issues
2708: Configure Devices: DEBUG Message: <DEBUG Show Output: Verbinder - Show Ausgabe schließen fehlgeschlagen> Solution: Disable Debug Output "Show" More Information: Writing to show output file failed. For troubleshooting wktools issues
2709: Configure Devices: DEBUG Message: <DEBUG Show Output: Verbinder - show Ausgabe oeffnen> Solution: Disable Debug Output "Show" More Information: Show output file opened. For troubleshooting wktools issues
2710: Configure Devices: DEBUG Message: <DEBUG Show Output: Verbinder - Hostname Show Ausgabe> Solution: Disable Debug Output "Show" More Information: Hostname Show Output. For troubleshooting wktools issues
2711: Configure Devices: DEBUG Message: <INFORMATION Name auslesen> Alt: HOSTNAME Neu: HOSTNAME Solution: Disable Debug Output "Get Hostname" More Information: Info about gathering hostname of the remote host. For troubleshooting wktools issues
2712: Configure Devices: DEBUG Message: <BufTest = INFORMATION> Solution: Disable Debug Output "Buf Test Return Value" More Information: Debug Information about internal testing; For troubleshooting wktools issues
2713: Configure Devices: DEBUG Message: <Received Data Bytes: BYTE COUNT / Received = <DATA> Solution: Disable Debug Output "Receive Data" More Information: Received Data from remote host; For troubleshooting wktools issues
2714: Configure Devices: DEBUG Message: <Sent Data Bytes: BYTE COUNT / Send = <DATA> Solution: Disable Debug Output "Receive Data" More Information: Sent Data to remote host; For troubleshooting wktools issues
2715: Configure Devices: DEBUG Message: Regex: <REGEXSTRING> Solution: Disable Debug Output "Regex" More Information: Regex string read from the config file; For troubleshooting wktools issues
2716: Configure Devices: DEBUG Message: Return Value: RETURN VALUE OF THE LAST COMMAND Solution: Disable Debug Output "Regex" More Information: Last data received from the host
2717: Configure Devices: DEBUG Message: Match found: WHERE Solution: Disable Debug Output "Receive Data" More Information: Shows the details where a match is found for the specified regex
2718: Configure Devices: DEBUG Message: <eBuf HEX><HEX String> Solution: Disable Debug Output "HEX output" More Information: Shows the details where a match is found for the specified regex
2719: Configure Devices: DEBUG Message: Special1: Debug String Solution: Disable Debug Output "Special1" More Information: Shows the details where a match is found for the specified regex
2720: Configure Devices: DEBUG Message: Special2: Debug String Solution: Disable Debug Output "Special2" More Information: Shows the details where a match is found for the specified regex
3101: Device Information Parser: SYSTEM ERROR Message: Init Error -> could not read settings Solution: Check, if wktools.xml is available. If it is available, it's most likely corrupted
3201: Device Information Parser: ERROR Message: Failed to write to OUTPUTFILE Solution: Unable to write the output. Check, if file is not write protected.
3202: Device Information Parser: ERROR Message: Specified Path does not exist! Solution: Search Path invalid; Check input
3301: Device Information Parser: WARNING Message: Device Information Parser: Unable to load Profile PROFILENAME Solution: Check wktools.xml, if the specified Profile is available
3302: Device Information Parser: WARNING Message: Device Information Parser: Unable to save Profile PROFILENAME Solution: Check, if wktools.xml is available and not write protected
3303: Device Information Parser: WARNING Message: Wrong or missing entry for SETTING Solution: SETTING invalid. Check, if SETTING exists, or if SETTING file is available.
3304: Device Information Parser: WARNING Message: Unable to remove Profile PROFILENAME Solution: Check, if wktools.xml is available and not write protected
3401: Device Information Parser: NOTICE Message: Parser returned with errors Solution: Result of messages 3612, 3403 or 3201
3402: Device Information Parser: NOTICE Message: Cannot Start because of wrong or missing entries Solution: Fill in all required settings
3501: Device Information Parser: INFO Message: Device not yet supported. Please send the file to wktools@spoerr.org FILENAME Solution: Parser was not able to interpret some of the output. Please send the file to "wktools@spoerr.org". The device will then be supported soon.
3601: Device Information Parser: INFO Message: Device Information Parser START Solution: None; Only for your information.
3602: Device Information Parser: INFO Message: Starting INFORMATION Parser Solution: None; Only for your information. More Information: Starts "Interface Information" or "Inventory" Parser
3603: Device Information Parser: INFO Message: Parser finished Solution: None; Only for your information.
3604: Device Information Parser: INFO Message: Device Information Parser: Loading Profile Solution: None; Only for your information.
3605: Device Information Parser: INFO Message: Device Information Parser: Profile PROFILE successfully loaded Solution: None; Only for your information.
3606: Device Information Parser: INFO Message: Device Information Parser: Profile PROFILE successfully saved Solution: None; Only for your information.
3607: Device Information Parser: INFO Message: Device Information Parser: Device Information Parser killed! Solution: None; Only for your information.
3608: Device Information Parser: INFO Message: Device Information Parser END Solution: None; Only for your information.
3609: Device Information Parser: INFO Message: Device Information Parser stopped Solution: None; Only for your information.
3610: Device Information Parser: INFO Message: FILENAME Solution: None; Only for your information. More Information: File FILENAME was found and will be parsed
3611: Device Information Parser: INFO Message: File is empty Solution: None; Only for your information. More Information: An empty file was found in the folder with all configuration files
3612: Device Information Parser: INFO Message: Cannot parse file due to lack of information! Maybe not all needed commands executed for IOS/CatOS/PixOS devices. Please use all commands listed in the documentation! Solution: None; Only for your information.
3613: Device Information Parser: INFO Message: Device Information Parser: Profile PROFILENAME successfully removed Solution: None; Only for your information.
3614: Device Information Parser: INFO Message: Device Information Parser: Removing Profile Solution: None; Only for your information.
4101: IP List: SYSTEM ERROR Message: Init Error -> could not read settings Solution: Check, if wktools.xml is available. If it is available, it's most likely corrupted
4201: IP List: SYSTEM ERROR Message: IP Range Input error: STRING Solution: Specified IP Range not valid; Check the entered string
4301: IP List: WARNING Message: IP List: Unable to load Profile PROFILENAME Solution: Check wktools.xml, if the specified Profile is available
4302: IP List: WARNING Message: IP List: Unable to save Profile PROFILENAME Solution: Check, if wktools.xml is available and not write protected
4303: IP List: WARNING Message: Wrong or missing entry for SETTING Solution: SETTING invalid. Check, if SETTING exists, or if SETTING file is available.
4304: IP List: WARNING Message: IP List: Unable to remove Profile PROFILENAME Solution: Check, if wktools.xml is available and not write protected
4401: IP List: NOTICE Message: Parser stopped with errors Solution: Result of error message 3305
4402: IP List: NOTICE Message: Cannot Start because of wrong or missing entries Solution: Fill in all required settings
4403: IP List: NOTICE Message: Interface INTERFACENAME not found in FILENAME Solution: Check, if the interface name/number is correct
4404: IP List: NOTICE Message: No IP address found at Interface in FILENAME Solution: Check, if the interface name/number is correct
4601: IP List: NOTICE Message: IP List START Solution: None; Only for your information.
4602: IP List: INFO Message: Starting IP List Solution: None; Only for your information.
4603: IP List: INFO Message: Parser finished Solution: None; Only for your information.
4604: IP List: INFO Message: IP List: Loading Profile Solution: None; Only for your information.
4605: IP List: INFO Message: IP List: Profile PROFILE successfully loaded Solution: None; Only for your information.
4606: IP List: INFO Message: IP List: Profile PROFILE successfully saved Solution: None; Only for your information.
4607: IP List: INFO Message: IP List: IP List killed! Solution: None; Only for your information.
4608: IP List: INFO Message: IP List END Solution: None; Only for your information.
4609: IP List: INFO Message: Searching Directory DIRECTORYNAME Solution: None; Only for your information.
4610: IP List: INFO Message: Searching file FILENAME Solution: None; Only for your information.
4611: IP List: INFO Message: FILENAME IS EMPTY Solution: None; Only for your information.
4612: IP List: INFO Message: --- FINSHED --- Solution: None; Only for your information.
4613: IP List: INFO Message: IP List: Profile PROFILENAME successfully removed Solution: None; Only for your information.
4614: IP List: INFO Message: IP List: Removing Profile Solution: None; Only for your information.
5301: Scheduler: WARNING Message: Name field is empty. Please specify a unique name for the Scheduler entry! Solution: Enter a name in the Name field
5302: Scheduler: WARNING Message: Name value is not unique. Please specify a unique name for the Scheduler entry! Solution: Name already used - please chosse another one.
5303: Scheduler: WARNING Message: Wrong format for TIME. Please use CCYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.mmm! Solution: Please look at the supported Time/Date format.
5304: Scheduler: WARNING Message: FILE inconsistent! -> no ";" found Solution: Check Scheduler file. Most likely it is empty.
5305: Scheduler: WARNING Message: FILE inconsistent! -> First Column (Checkboxes) missing! Solution: The first column in the Scheduler file is missing. Please do not edit the Scheduler file in a Text editor - use wktools!
5306: Scheduler: WARNING Message: FILE inconsistent! -> Not all rows have the same number of columns or ";" is missing at the end of some rows Solution: Not all rows in the Scheduler File have the same number of columns. Please do not edit the Scheduler file in a Text editor - use wktools!
5307: Scheduler: WARNING Message: FILE inconsistent! -> Not all rows have 7 columns Solution: Please do not edit the Scheduler file in a Text editor - use wktools!
5308: Scheduler: WARNING Message: Failed to schedule task - Scheduled Item Name: [NAME] Solution: There was an unknown error. Please try again.
5602: Scheduler: INFO Message: Starting Scheduler Solution: None; Only for your information.
5603: Scheduler: INFO Message: Scheduler finished Solution: None; Only for your information.
5608: Scheduler: INFO Message: Scheduler killed! Solution: None; Only for your information.
5609: Scheduler: INFO Message: Scheduler END Solution: None; Only for your information.
5610: Scheduler: INFO Message: [Return Message from the Operating System when adding a new Task] Solution: None; Only for your information.
5611: Scheduler: INFO Message: [Return Message from the Operating System when deleting a Task] Solution: None; Only for your information.
6101: Mapper: SYSTEM ERROR Message: Init Error -> could not read settings Solution: Check, if wktools.xml is available. If it is available, it's most likely corrupted
6201: Mapper: ERROR Message: Failed to write to OUTPUTFILE Solution: Unable to write the output. Check, if file is not write protected.
6202: Mapper: ERROR Message: Internal GML error! Solution: Please contact wktools@spoerr.org
6203: Mapper: ERROR Message: Unable to draw graph! Solution: Please contact wktools@spoerr.org
6204: Mapper: ERROR Message: Specified Path does not exist! Solution: Search Path invalid; Check input
6205: Mapper: ERROR Message: Import File inconsistent -> no ";" found Solution: Import File invalid; Check file
6206: Mapper: ERROR Message: Import File inconsistent -> not all rows have the same number of colums or ";" is missing at the end of some lines Solution: Import File invalid; Check file
6207: Mapper: ERROR Message: Importing devices without running the Parser at least once is not possible! Solution: Please check "Parse NEW" option
6208: Mapper: ERROR Message: DB error (hostSearch 000x). Please contact wktools@spoerr.org Solution: internal DB error - Please contact wktools@spoerr.org
6301: Mapper: WARNING Message: Mapper: Unable to load Profile PROFILENAME Solution: Check wktools.xml, if the specified Profile is available
6302: Mapper: WARNING Message: Mapper: Unable to save Profile PROFILENAME Solution: Check, if wktools.xml is available and not write protected
6303: Mapper: WARNING Message: Wrong or missing entry for SETTING Solution: SETTING invalid. Check, if SETTING exists, or if SETTING file is available.
6304: Mapper: WARNING Message: Mapper: Unable to remove Profile PROFILENAME Solution: Check wktools.xml, if the specified Profile is available and if wktools.xml is available and not write protected
6305: Mapper: WARNING Message: Mapper: Parser Error! Code XXXX - Contact wktools@spoerr.org Solution: Please send the file with the error code to wktools@spoerr.org
6306: Mapper: WARNING Message: Unable to calculate adjacencies because Database is empty. Please check if "Parse New" and "Analyze New" is checked under Options. Solution: Please check if "Parse New" and "Analyze New" is checked under Options.
6307: Mapper: WARNING Message: Update not possible! Solution: MAC OUI Update not possible. Please check Internet connection.
6308: Mapper: WARNING Message: Lua Script SCRIPTNAME not found. Please check if SCRIPTNAME.lua is in the same folder as wktools.exe. Solution: Please check if SCRIPTNAME.lua is in the same folder as wktools.exe. If yes, please check if the name is correct.
6401: Mapper: NOTICE Message: Parser returned with errors Solution: Result of messages 6612, 6403 or 6201
6402: Mapper: NOTICE Message: Cannot Start because of wrong or missing entries Solution: Fill in all required settings
6403: Mapper: NOTICE Message: Parser Error: Interface IP address IP ADDRESS is invalid. Please contact wktools@spoerr.org. Solution: Please contact wktools@spoerr.org with the exact error message. Most likely the IP address was parsed incorretly.
6404: Mapper: NOTICE Message: Element not imported: "setting" must not be empty Solution: The marked element was not imported because a mandatory item was invalid or empty; Check item
6405: Mapper: NOTICE Message: Element not imported: Device already exists in database: hostname Solution: A device with this hostname already exists in the database; Please check duplicates
6406: Mapper: NOTICE Message: Parser Error: Interface IP address "ipaddress" is invalid. Please contact wktools@spoerr.org. OR: If Interface "interfacename" is up or the interface name is invalid, please contact wktools@spoerr.org Solution: A problem was found with the displayed IP address, Subnetmask or interface. If this is a Parser error, please send the details to wktools@spoerr.org
6501: Mapper: INFO Message: Device not yet supported. Please send the file to wktools@spoerr.org FILENAME Solution: Parser was not able to interpret some of the output. Please send the file to "wktools@spoerr.org". The device will then be supported soon.
6601: Mapper INFO Message: Mapper START Solution: None; Only for your information.
6602: Mapper: INFO Message: Starting Mapper Solution: None; Only for your information. More Information: Starts Mapper
6603: Mapper: INFO Message: Mapper finished Solution: None; Only for your information.
6604: Mapper: INFO Message: Mapper: Loading Profile Solution: None; Only for your information.
6605: Mapper: INFO Message: Mapper: Profile PROFILE successfully loaded Solution: None; Only for your information.
6606: Mapper: INFO Message:Mapper: Profile PROFILE successfully saved Solution: None; Only for your information.
6607: Mapper: INFO Message: Mapper: Device Information Parser killed! Solution: None; Only for your information.
6608: Mapper: INFO Message: Mapper END Solution: None; Only for your information.
6609: Mapper: INFO Message: Mapper stopped Solution: None; Only for your information.
6610: Mapper: INFO Message: Searching file: FILENAME Solution: None; Only for your information. More Information: File FILENAME was found and will be parsed
6611: Mapper: INFO Message: File is empty Solution: None; Only for your information. More Information: An empty file was found in the folder with all configuration files
6612: Mapper: INFO Message: Cannot parse file due to lack of information! Maybe not all needed commands executed for IOS/CatOS/PixOS devices. Please use all commands listed in the documentation! Solution: None; Only for your information.
6613: Mapper: INFO Message: Unsupported Device Solution: None; Only for your information. Please contact wktools@spoerr.org if you need the unsupported device included to wktools.
6614: Mapper: INFO Message: Searching directory DIRECTORY Solution: None; Only for your information. More Information: Searching DIRECTORY for files.
6615: Mapper: INFO Message: Database Init (wkm.db) Solution: None; Only for your information. More Information: Initiating Database. The file is wkm.db in the output directory. It's a sqlite Database and can be viewed i.e. with the sqlite plugin for Firefox.
6616: Mapper: INFO Message: Start Parser Solution: None; Only for your information. More Information: Starting File Parser
6617: Mapper: INFO Message: Computing adjacencies Solution: None; Only for your information. More Information: Computing Adjacencies of the parsed infos stored in the database.
6618: Mapper: INFO Message: Generating output file Solution: None; Only for your information. More Information: Storing the results in the output file.
6620: Mapper: INFO Message: Adjacencies - INFO Solution: None; Only for your information. More Information: Various Adjacency Analyzer Messages
6621: Mapper: INFO Message: Mapper: Profile PROFILE successfully removed Solution: None; Only for your information.
6622: Mapper: INFO Message: Mapper: Removing Profile Solution: None; Only for your information.
6623: Mapper: INFO Message: Mapper: Start Import Solution: None; Only for your information.
6624: Mapper: INFO Message: Mapper: Updating MAC Vendor Codes - Please Wait. Solution: None; Only for your information.
6625: Mapper: INFO Message: Mapper: MAC OUI Update complete. Solution: None; Only for your information.
6626: Mapper: INFO Message: Searching for Lua Parser Scripts. Solution: None; Only for your information.
6627: Mapper: INFO Message: Lua Script found: Filename Solution: None; Only for your information.
6628: Mapper: INFO Message: Executing Lua Script SCRIPTNAME Solution: None; Only for your information.
7101: Wizard: SYSTEM ERROR Message: Init Error -> could not read settings Solution: Check, if wktools.xml is available. If it is available, it's most likely corrupted
7301: Wizard: WARNING Message: Wizard: Unable to load Profile PROFILENAME Solution: Check wktools.xml, if the specified Profile is available
7302: Wizard: WARNING Message: Wizard: Unable to save Profile PROFILENAME Solution: Check, if wktools.xml is available and not write protected
7303: Wizard: WARNING Message: Wrong or missing entry for SETTING Solution: SETTING invalid. Check, if SETTING exists, or if SETTING file is available.
7304: Wizard: WARNING Message: Wizard: Unable to remove Profile PROFILENAME Solution: Check wktools.xml, if the specified Profile is available and if wktools.xml is available and not write protected
7401: Wizard: NOTICE Message: Wizard returned with errors Solution: Result of messages 7612
7402: Wizard: NOTICE Message: Cannot Start because of wrong or missing entries Solution: Fill in all required settings
7601: Wizard INFO Message: Wizard START Solution: None; Only for your information.
7602: Wizard: INFO Message: Starting Wizard Solution: None; Only for your information. More Information: Starts Wizard
7603: Wizard: INFO Message: Wizard finished Solution: None; Only for your information.
7604: Wizard: INFO Message: Wizard: Loading Profile Solution: None; Only for your information.
7605: Wizard: INFO Message: Wizard: Profile PROFILE successfully loaded Solution: None; Only for your information.
7606: Wizard: INFO Message:Wizard: Profile PROFILE successfully saved Solution: None; Only for your information.
7607: Wizard: INFO Message: Wizard: Device Information Parser killed! Solution: None; Only for your information.
7608: Wizard: INFO Message: Wizard END Solution: None; Only for your information.
7609: Wizard: INFO Message: The result is stored at .... Solution: None; Only for your information.
7610: Wizard: INFO Message: Please check the DeviceGroup view if everything is correct and press "Start" again. Solution: None; Only for your information.